Being an Emergency Doctor during the COVID-19 saga in Malta
It's been more than 2 weeks since Malta confirmed its first case of COVID-19. Since then, new cases have been identified on a daily basis with Health Authorities engaging in a continuous effort to keep the emergence of new cases under control.
The symptoms of this disease were made very clear to the public. They have been asked to co-operate by minimizing social contact, staying at home, washing their hands and avoid touching their face.
COVID-19 induced a feeling of uncertainty and fear all throughout our small nation. It has challenged people from different walks of life and is forcing us to make sacrifices.
As a doctor at Mater Dei Hospital's Emergency Department, I am no stranger to such challenges and sacrifices.
I've decided to shed some light on professional and personal tribulations I've been through up until now.
As a doctor at Mater Dei Hospital's Emergency Department, I am no stranger to such challenges and sacrifices.
I've decided to shed some light on professional and personal tribulations I've been through up until now.
Firstly, it is a new disease, identified less than 3 months ago. Despite the virus being similar to other viruses we know about, specific statistics are still being gathered, guidelines are in evolution and targeted treatments are still being studied. This is one of the biggest hurdles we are facing as a medical community.
You've surely heard a lot about "flattening the curve". The major concern is that of not being able to provide an adequate service to those who need it most, should the number of COVID-19 cases explode over a relatively short period. Just for the sake of argument, let us for a second imagine Mater Dei was a restaurant. It has finite stocks of food, a limited number of appliances, chefs, waiters and tables. It is the ONLY restaurant on the island. Staff are willing to feed everyone, especially the most hungry (the critically ill). However, this can only be achieved if patrons attend the restaurant gradually over the span of weeks. This allows for the food to be adequately prepared and served in a timely manner in order to satisfy one's hunger. If a large number of patrons had to show up at the restaurant simultaneously on the same day, the kitchen and staff would simply not cope with the demand, and ultimately, the restaurant wouldn't be able to feed the patrons.
You've surely heard a lot about "flattening the curve". The major concern is that of not being able to provide an adequate service to those who need it most, should the number of COVID-19 cases explode over a relatively short period. Just for the sake of argument, let us for a second imagine Mater Dei was a restaurant. It has finite stocks of food, a limited number of appliances, chefs, waiters and tables. It is the ONLY restaurant on the island. Staff are willing to feed everyone, especially the most hungry (the critically ill). However, this can only be achieved if patrons attend the restaurant gradually over the span of weeks. This allows for the food to be adequately prepared and served in a timely manner in order to satisfy one's hunger. If a large number of patrons had to show up at the restaurant simultaneously on the same day, the kitchen and staff would simply not cope with the demand, and ultimately, the restaurant wouldn't be able to feed the patrons.
The recent reports of community spread augmented the feeling of uncertainty and unease. I have been showing up for work to serve as best I can those who need me most, but at the back of mind I am continuously wondering about the possibility of getting infected or, worse still, passing the virus on to my pregnant wife.
Despite my rigorous hand washing and precautions, the simple gesture of hugging or kissing my wife upon getting back home from work started to make me feel uneasy. The prospect of passing the virus on to her lingered.
For this reason we've had to make a huge personal sacrifice. She moved out of the house and in with her parents. I am self-isolating at home. Despite the heartbreak, this is the only way we could put our minds at rest.
I am not meeting my parents, nor my in-laws, nor my grandparents.
I am missing out on my baby's ultrasound scans out of respect for my wife and other pregnant ladies at the clinic. What if I had to develop any symptoms the day after the visit?
Despite all of the above, I am committed to serve those in need without expecting any increase in wage or any financial compensation. That is the oath I took 6 years ago.
Despite my rigorous hand washing and precautions, the simple gesture of hugging or kissing my wife upon getting back home from work started to make me feel uneasy. The prospect of passing the virus on to her lingered.
For this reason we've had to make a huge personal sacrifice. She moved out of the house and in with her parents. I am self-isolating at home. Despite the heartbreak, this is the only way we could put our minds at rest.
I am not meeting my parents, nor my in-laws, nor my grandparents.
I am missing out on my baby's ultrasound scans out of respect for my wife and other pregnant ladies at the clinic. What if I had to develop any symptoms the day after the visit?
Despite all of the above, I am committed to serve those in need without expecting any increase in wage or any financial compensation. That is the oath I took 6 years ago.
We all have different characters, attitudes and respond to stressful situations differently. But we are all humans and thus we all deserve respect. It feels bad when you don't feel respected, and feelings are what stick with us.
So I reiterate my plea for respect. Respect yourselves, those around you and the ones who are putting themselves in harm's way to limit the devastation COVID-19 can bring upon our small, closely-knit community.
I dedicate this entry to my wife, Maria. I love you!
So I reiterate my plea for respect. Respect yourselves, those around you and the ones who are putting themselves in harm's way to limit the devastation COVID-19 can bring upon our small, closely-knit community.
I dedicate this entry to my wife, Maria. I love you!
Sunday 22 March 2020
Monday 1 April 2013
Ir-Raġuni għar-Reliġjon
Ilni ħafna biex nikteb fuq dan is-suġġet, u peress li bħalissa kull fejn tħares ħlief reliġjon ma tarax, ġietni l-muża. Qabel nibda però, nixtieq li niċċara xi punti:
- Dak kollu li se taqra hu applikabbli għar-reliġjon bħala kunċett, u mhux għar-reliġjon Kattolika Rumana per se.
- F'ħajti kont espost l-aktar għar-reliġjon Kattolika Rumana u għalhekk ħafna drabi se nirreferi għal din ir-reliġjon bħala eżempju.
- M'hiniex it-tip ta' bniedem li nara kollox abjad jew kollox iswed - jiġifieri nemmen li f'kull reliġjon fid-dinja ser issib ħafna tajjeb.
- Din hi biss l-opinjoni personali tiegħi - inħeġġek tikkummenta taħt dan l-artiklu jekk tixtieq.
L-ewwel nett, jien nemmen li qabel kollox, kull bniedem huwa annimal bil-bioloġija kollha tiegħu - Homo sapiens. Għandna moħħ li kapaċi jagħmel affarijiet kbar. Annimali oħra, flok għandhom moħħ żviluppat, issibilhom affarijiet oħra li fil-Homo sapiens ma ssibx. L-għasafar jistgħu itiru, l-ħut jista' jgħix taħt l-ilma, l-gawwi jista' jixrob l-ilma baħar, etċ. Liema riga ħa tuża biex tiddeċiedi liema annimal hu aqwa minn ieħor? Kif darba qal tajjeb Albert Enstein:
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Apparti minnhekk, ma nistgħux ninsew li eluf ta' snin ilu l-ispeċi tagħna (Homo sapiens) lanqas biss kienet teżisti, tant li qabilha kont issib speċi oħra ta' nies bħal per eżempju Homo heidelbergensis. Dawn tal-aħħar kienu diġà qed juru ċertu kapaċitajiet mentali għola minn ta' annimali oħra tant li kienu diġa jużaw xi għodod. Huwa maħsub ukoll li din l-ispeċi kienet l-ewwel waħda li kienet tidfen lill-mejtin. Jaħsbu li dan kien isir ukoll waqt riti ċerimonjali f'oqbra tal-massa. Dan il-fatt jista' jfisser li f'dan iż-żmien (madwar 200,000 sena ilu) il-bniedem kien diġà rabba l-parti spiritwali u/jew reliġjuża tiegħu. Għalhekk żgur illi l-ewwel reliġjon fid-dinja ma kienet l-ebda waħda minn dawk li mdorrijin nisimgħu dwarhom illum, u kien il-bniedem li ħoloq l-allat, u mhux bil-maqlub.
Bla ma trid, meta tisma' dan kollu tibda tistaqsi lilek innifsek diversi mistoqsijiet: Kif anki speċi iktar antika ta' bnedmin kienet diġa qed tberren fuq reliġjon? Għalfejn ħafna reliġjonijiet li nafu bihom jagħmlu enfasi kbira fuq il-ħajja wara l-mewt? Kollha mistoqsijiet kbar li tweġiba assoluta għalihom diffiċli li jkollna u għalhekk nistgħu naslu biss sa opinjoni.
Kif għidt fil-bidu, l-uman huwa annimal u bħal kull annimal ieħor, l-għan bioloġiku bażiku tiegħu hu li jibqa' ħaj biex ikun jista' jipprokrea. Għalhekk, intrinsikament, kull annimal jibża' mill-mewt. Meta ma' dan l-istint iżżid il-kapaċità tal-ħsieb u l-għerf, l-affarijiet jsiru ferm iktar interessanti.
Kif jgħidu, l-mistoqsija oħt il-għerf, u għax il-bniedem beda jiżviluppa mentalment beda wkoll jistaqsi dwar il-ħajja u dwar dak li kien jiġri madwaru (ix-xemx, ix-xita, etċ). Għall-ħafna snin, ir-reliġjon kienet it-tweġiba għal dak li x-xjenza kienet għada ma spjegatx.
Malli l-bniedem beda jaħseb u ried dejjem isir jaf iktar, apparti l-biża' mill-mewt, beda jibża' wkoll minn dak li mhux magħruf (fear of the unknown). U x'hemm iktar misterjuż minn x'isir minna wara l-mewt? Kemm insibuha ta' faraġ ġabra ta' ħsibijiet u filosofiji li ttina t-tama għall-ħajja ta' dejjem? L-ikbar żewġt biżat (mill-mewt u minn dak li mhux magħruf) ittaffijomna ir-reliġjon billi tgħidilna x'jiġri wara l-mewt: ħajja li ma tintemmx.
Malli l-bniedem beda jaħseb u ried dejjem isir jaf iktar, apparti l-biża' mill-mewt, beda jibża' wkoll minn dak li mhux magħruf (fear of the unknown). U x'hemm iktar misterjuż minn x'isir minna wara l-mewt? Kemm insibuha ta' faraġ ġabra ta' ħsibijiet u filosofiji li ttina t-tama għall-ħajja ta' dejjem? L-ikbar żewġt biżat (mill-mewt u minn dak li mhux magħruf) ittaffijomna ir-reliġjon billi tgħidilna x'jiġri wara l-mewt: ħajja li ma tintemmx.
Dan jidher biċ-ċar f'kull reliġjon madwar id-dinja - min jgħidlek li jekk tgħix skont it-tagħlim se tmur il-ġenna għal dejjem, min jgħidlek se ssib 72 verġni lesti għalik u min jgħidlek li se terġa titwieled mill-ġdid. Temmen x'temmen l-għan tar-reliġjon fl-opinjoni tiegħi hu li tagħti faraġ u tama lil min iħaddana.
Propju għax l-għanijiet huma l-istess nemmen li dal-ħafna diviżijonjiet, ġlied u gwerrer fuq reliġjon ma jagħmlux sens. Ma ntilfux biżżejjed ħajjiet fil-kruċjati mijiet ta' snin ilu jew fl-attakki ta' 9/11? Min jaf li kieku kellna insibu dak kollu li hemm komuni f'kull reliġjon? Ċert li jinstab ħafna. Fl-opinjoni tiegħi, l-inkwiet jibda meta nieħdu t-tagħlim tar-reliġjon litteralment u/jew noqgħodu nfittxu x-xagħra fl-għaġina. Int ħu mill-Irlanda ta'Fuq. Pajjiż maqsum fuq jekk il-kap tal-Knisja hux il-Papa jew ir-Reġina.
Fl-aħħar nett, naħseb li jkun aħjar li kieku kull reliġjon fid-dinja tiffoka fuq l-essenza tal-messaġġi tagħha. Kont nippreferi li kieku meta kont tfal, minflok jgħiduli biex ma niekolx ħelu fir-Randan għax inkella "indaħħallu xewka lil Jesus", jgħiduli li rrid nibda nitgħallem nagħmel is-sagrifiċċji għax fil-ħajja trid tagħmel ħafna minnhom biex ikollok żwieġ jew karriera ta' suċċess per eżempju.
Friday 29 March 2013
The universe is a movie in which humans aren't the protagonists
Homo sapiens are able to think - but, does this ability authorize us to assume that WE are THE higher form of life?
Homo sapiens act as if they are at the centre of the Universe - a concept which was and still is heavily promoted by religion.
We think of ourselves as THE higher form of life because of our highly developed brain, which in real terms, is just one thing we have over other life forms.
Homo sapiens can't fly, can't breathe under water, can't stand extreme temperatures - properties which other forms of life can do effortlessly.
If we had to start judging humans on abilities other than thinking, we would immediately realize that the universe is not about planet Earth and even more so NOT about US.
Sunday 17 June 2012
Friday 20 January 2012
L-organi bżonn għall-ħajja, iżda mhux bilfors tiegħek
Ta' kultant nisimgħu dwarha dil-biċċa xogħol tal-organi, biss fil-verità sa xi 'diskussjoni' fuq ix-Xarabank naslu - xejn konkret. Ħasra ta' veru ħa ngħidlek, għax naħseb li kwistjoni importanti u ġest nobbli ħafna. Jien għandi l-opinjoni tiegħi wkoll fuq din l-affari - ara togħġbokx ħa.
Bħalissa, id-deċiżjoni jekk l-organi tiegħek isalavawx ħajjet ħaddieħor jew le, taqa' f'idejn qrabatek, wara mewtek (irrispettivament minn jekk kellekx donor card). Naħseb li din hija sitwazzjoni msejkna. Bir-rispett kollu ta, imma jista' xi ħadd jispjegali, x'użu għandhom il-qalb, il-pulmun, il-kliewi, il-fwied u l-kornea f'persuna mejta?
Naħseb li Malta għandha taddotta dik li bl-ingliż tissejjaħ opt-out organ donation system. B'dan it-tip ta' qafas legali, kull persuna Maltija li tmut hawn Malta, ikunu jistgħu jittiħdulha l-organi, sakemm din, f'ħajjitha, ma tkunx għamlitha bil-miktub li ma tridx tagħtihom.
B'sistema bħal din naħseb li l-persuna mejta tiġi onorata, u l-ħajja, salvata.
Thursday 19 January 2012